Scientific Description of Seaweed: loose colloquial term encompassing macroscopic, multi-cellular, marine algae. The term includes some members of the red, brown and green algae.
Seaweeds are consumed by coastal people, particularly in Asia, but also in South Africa, South America, the Canadian Maritimes, Scandinavia, Ireland, Wales, California and Scotland.
Seaweed is an ingredient in food (icecream, yellies) toothpaste, cosmetics and paints. Seaweed extract is used in some diet pills (got the hint?) and it is a source of iodine, necessary for thyroid function.
Alginates are used in wound dressings, and in production of dental moulds. Seaweed is currently under consideration as a potential source of bioethanol. And this is the best use of all: Seaweed as wonderful fertilizer.
Gardeners who live in coastal areas are blessed with this free source of nutrition for their plants.Inland gardeners can find liquid Seaweed Fertilizer in specialty garden shops. Distillers of this product claim:
- More flowers! Up to 25% more flowers
- Benefits plants during drought and stress through enhancing uptake of nutrients
- Better germination of seeds when soaked in liquid seaweed solution
- Stimulates root growth in young transplants
- Greener Lawns
- Greater vegetable crop yield
- Fending off bugs
How can Seaweed Fertilizers fend off bugs?
When the seaweed fertilizer dries it gives a layer of salt around the soil and deters the slugs which are most harmful insect to your plants giving it a natural slug repellent properties. Plus it also creates a crust around the soil to deter other burrowing bugs from getting into the soil. And also seaweed fertilizers can also be mulched into the soil giving it a barrier to help protect the roots of your tomato or other plants. Even house plants can benefit by replacing their plant food with a good quality seaweed fertilizer.
What types of Seaweed Fertilizer are there beside the liquid form?- Kelp Meal which usually comes in pellet form.
- Concentrated seaweed fertilizer extracts
- Powder seaweed fertilizer form
Seaweed has numerous elements such as nitrogen, an element that is needed for photosynthesis. It also contains other trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc – all of which are essential for keeping a plant healthy and resistant to pests and diseases. These trace minerals can be immediately available to crops when seaweed fertilizer given as a liquid feed. Seaweed will act like a sponge that will help keep water off the roots but store in moisture which will be available to the plants when needed.
In a short sentence: Seaweed is a gardeners best friend!
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